The real concern to a cyclist, is loss of conspicuity .....

                 Lightmare are supported by the UK National Cyclists organisation the CTC

Test dummy flies through the air in simulated crash of car into cyclist - Los Angles Times

A driver cocooned in the safety cage of an airbag padded metal box with lights ablaze, reduces the perception of hazards for all other drivers distracting their concentration - sometimes with fatal consequences for less conspicuous road users.

Racing cyclists masked by headlights

A driver's natural tendency is to shy away from the other car with potential disastrous results for the cyclists who should be given a clearance of at least 1.5 metres.

 #See: Safe Cycling by Prof Heilig which explains in layman's terms the effects upon the eye#
The escalating light madness caused by vehicles is forcing cyclists to use powerful front and rear flashing LED lamps in an attempt at self preservation BUT unwittingly they making it collectively worse for everyone creating a LIGHTMARE! 
Prof Peter Heilig states:  "Flashing lights destroy a driver's ability to perceive distance"
see: The Case Against Bright as the Sun Flashing Bike Lights
and also: Safety fears raised over mandatory daytime vehicle lights - Bike Radar
and also The CTC submission to the EU on DRL

Bangor University Cycling Club - black clothing + black bike!
BUT why do many cyclists appear to have a death wish?

A drivers eye view - hard to spot the bike particularly when a car with blinding lights appears round the bend.

Wearing fashionable grey or black Lycra can be fatal!

Jeremy Corbyn grey on grey
   Celebrities set a poor example

Boris Johnson - dark suit - black bike

Failure to wear high viz clothing is dangerous!

      Victoria Pendleton - all black

Troute Cycle Light Liberator
This comment from the Bikeradar forum says it all....
"Bought a Liberator 3 from Troute lights.
Run it on full beam flashing 2,000 lumens!
Even had oncoming cars stop on their side of the road.
Best 300quid I ever spent!
Get One and Get Even!
 It's a jungle out there."

Should cyclists have to spend £300 to defend themselves against cars and trucks thus escalating the LIGHTMARE??

 "Lethal  Lights"    Pfleger+Heilig
   3 min video

"The Lightmare" Sangita Myska
BBC 2 min video


Ban Blinding Lights
